Wednesday, September 29, 2010

(2) Purpose behind launching My Blog

My son(Ajit) and daughter-in-law(Neelam) suggested me that I should have a blog of my own.This blog is the result of their suggestion.Most of my writing was in Marathi. The PDF file of my writing could not be loaded for obvious reasons. My son-in-law Parag was of the opinion that JPG file would solve the problem of uploading the file because JPG file is nothing but a photograph of the written material.My grand son Neel heartily accepted my request to "teach" me the technique of converting a word file into a JPG file. He soon came to know that I was not merely a slow learner but also a bad and weak student. He would lose his patience when I could not follow the written instructions also.But both us decided not to give up. The blog in the present form leaves much scope for improvement and also needs "garnishing|". I plan to do it at a future date with a variety of topics,items,documents, articles and the like. Even if a single person is benefited in any way because of the information presented here the purpose behind launching this blog will be regarded as fulfilled.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

(1) USA Trip - House at Eirie - Pennsylvania